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holiday mini session . josie & lucy

our holiday mini sessions (yes, i am only now posting these) were simply magical…
utterly due to the wonderful families.
{the fact that the weather was unbelievably perfect and the location, turpin farm, was unreal were great perks too!}
i’m amazed how well children (even older children) do when walking into these mini sessions,
everyone meeting for the first time and for only 20 minutes-ish!
i remind my families to not make a big deal out of getting pictures done to the kids,
to just let them know that we’ll be talking, hanging out, laughing and yeah, taking a picture or two…but that
it’s really about a fun, laid back time together and we’ll see where it goes.
that’s fine, but i know how it is and i know just meeting someone new let alone having them stare
and point a camera in your face can be a lot for some children (big people included.)
so, i try to be prepared and do what.ever it takes to
make a child (or person) relax and just be. so far, so good.
i have been truly blessed with the most incredible children to photograph.
i really couldn’t ask for more than the purest of personalities they offer up.
pretty darn cool in my book.

i also love to see the completely different personalities among siblings, especially girls….having three daughters myself.
i’ll let you guess which is the more reserved, contemplative, quietly observant one and which who
views the world as her stage…

first up
josie and lucy

i read somewhere that our photographic memories are never razor sharp, but rather soft.

mama and her girls

i love story boards…it is after all, a story
here is one i put together for this set.

there are just some shots during a shoot that make me swoon

and miss lucy..


March 7, 2010 - 6:43 pm

Deborah Carr - Gina, these are amazing photographs…I wonder how these images will change the ways these little girls see themselves…and what confidence these will bring into their young lives.

And I wonder someday, years and years and years into the future, will they look back on these images and remember the joy of being a princess in front of the camera…the heartstrings of sisterhood and the love of a beautiful mother.

You have given them more than a photo…you’ve given them a memory marker.

I wish I had a sister…

did someone say wrap {gallery style}

i have to admit that i get so excited when new photo goodies come in the mail!
i get to hold them them first. i get to put them here and there, stand back and take that first real look
before packaging them back up for you!
which is exactly what i did with nathan’s gallery wrap.

i also have to admit i was a little iffy on the gallery wrap thing for a long while. sometimes i’d see them and think…
fad. overdone or not very well done. hmm.
but after seeing more and more amazing images, from quality labs, i am loving them.
so, the studio is now proudly offering them to you.
your images are printed on canvas {thus having a canvas texture} and stretched over a wooden frame
coming to you completely ready to display.

some closer details…

i’m trying to decide where our first family gallery wrap should go in our home…
and, thank you nathan, once again, for being our handsome model.

February 23, 2010 - 10:31 pm

Julie Martin - Gina… just make me happy. 🙂 I hope all is well.

kindervelt live auction {studio news}

kiwi street studios was asked (by the fabulous tina turner of re/max unlimited and party on ice committee member)
to participate in a fundraising initiative for kindervelt, a city wide non-profit volunteer
fundraising group benefiting cincinnati children’s hospital medical center,
specifically, for the division of the asthma research center.
the high prevealence of this allergic disease (40-70 percent in the cincinnati area) makes
asthma the most common childhood chronic disease in Ohio, accounting for nearly 3,000 emergency room visits
at cincinnati children’s hospital in 2007. the division of asthma research is hoping to
lower those statistics through research, seeking causes, treatment and cures to help our children.

on saturday, february 27, the terrace park kindervelt will host their party on ice benefit
at the indian hill winter club for this cause.
featuring fun, food, music, games, festivities as well as a live auction
for all from 7pm-midnight. see the invite and other information here.

kiwi street studios will be there donating…

thank you in advance.

a little {flip, mini & accordion} book

here we go. i’m going to try really hard to get caught up. there is a lot, so be patient and be sure to
check in often as i’m going to post in sections.
the first….some cool new ‘leetle’ products! i’m super excited about this one in particular because it’s so darn cute!
i love it! i loved choosing the images, designing the pages, putting it all together and even photographing it.
well, actually them, i made two!

these really started out as a little way to showcase the childrens side of my business and are meant to be on display
in my studio and at childrens boutiques like my favorite, the spotted goose {love them and they will be.}
but, as i began working on them i got so excited and wanted one with my girls for myself.
as soon as i showed them to a couple mom friends…lucy! i’ve got some orders and more designing to do!
and really, i can’t wait…because they’re so flippin sweet!

these below were printed up as 5×7’s. 5×5’s would be fun too. i see them on the smaller/petite side, think of them as
mini portable scrapbooks. the images are mounted on mat board, so they’ve got body to them.
i used round key rings and ribbon to assemble these, but next time, maybe i’ll try some brads or clasps.
half the fun is choosing how to assemble and embellish them.
any ideas?
if you’d like to see/touch/hold them in person, they will be at my studio, for now.

petites filles

petits garcons

next in line of tiny treats is
a sweet little 4×4 flat hinged leather album, complete with a hip fabric cover.
i think this is the perfect aunt, uncle, grandparent, or in law gift!
these are all the quality you’d expect in a full sized album, just tinier!
did you recognize fancy and her boys?

another little goodie the studio is offering is the all of a sudden so popular mini accordion wallet books.
i can see why, but it’s so funny that i just ordered my first for a client and now i’m seeing them everywhere!
or is it truly a case of murphy’s law!
these are really the perfect tuck in your purse little album to keep a sampling of your session close to you.
the front and back are magnetized, so no open, flopping pages, the book stays nice and neat.
covers can be solid or customized with an image. lots of choices as usual!
did i mention sizes? 2.5×3.5 or 3×3. see, how cute!

yes, this is from the t family session.

yes, this is from the bebe grace’s mini session.

that’s it for now.
next up…gallery wraps!

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February 18, 2010 - 11:31 pm

Karen, Florida - Awesome product offerings! So stylish! All of them are a perfect way to show off your amazing work. Must haves!!!

February 19, 2010 - 9:34 am

Natalie - Gigi,
You never cease to amaze me….They are so beautiful. I’m ready to order!
<3 Natalie