you have heard me {several times at the very least} talk about taking the time to create images for yourself. only for yourself. to take every opportunity to not play it safe, jump out of your ‘normal’ and make the kind of imagery that makes your heart sing.
there were no limits or expectations with this little session; however, I still made images that I knew (thought) her mom would want and then some that I (knew) i would want. mine are more moody, not the usual. a short story i saw playing out. i have found that i enjoy and rather prefer capturing the quiet moments and slight moodiness of children or the spontaneous outbursts of laughter and joy verses anything in between. a funny thing though. the images that are for me usually end up hanging on my clients walls. the bigger lesson? trust yourself. trust your vision. trust your authenticity. no one will see the world as you do. our individual journey’s and experiences make that impossible. we each have something unique to share that others will be drawn to. insert…clients who love your vision, who trust you and who you will love to shoot for. another funny thing. that’s how you set yourself apart.
{click on image to see the full gallery}
by gina weathersby
Deborah Carr - Oh Gina…I love the story. A story of little girl dreams and dances, look what I can do and what shall I do next? A story of each of us, when we were filled with the fairy dust of possibility. You captured it all…down to the finest sparkle.