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Category Archives: portraits

piano girl

over the weekend (i hate to admit) i was ‘briefly’ in a pitiful place… then out of nowhere the most beautiful melodic music made it’s way through my fog filling up every part of my mind and soul with pure joy. oh…the piano…oh, the piano and little girls… oh, sophia and her piano. sophia has […]

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December 23, 2008 - 1:10 pm

Pehgi - I love piano girl! Capturing this magical moment so eloquently, the ambiance – I can almost hear the music. Also, you have great ability to compose a linear design element such as the keyboard quite nicely. This a very different serious side to the little sprite you capture so energetically on previous shoot. What depth you pull out of her! Bravo!!! Encore!!

longworth {creative outings}

well it didn’t take long to make plans for this (the second) creative outing! it was my turn to choose a location and my choice was inside longworth hall… with it’s wonderful textures, open spaces, windows and lots of light. i also felt that we needed some’body’ to accompany us;) i called…alex. her dress set […]

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November 22, 2008 - 2:27 pm

Natalie - Wow, What can I say, WOW. These pictures are amazing, Alex is amazing, Wow. The shoot was amazing and the building, OMG amazing. Did I say WOW? I’m so jealous!

November 23, 2008 - 1:51 pm

Pehgi - Ditto Natalie’s comments above!
I love these images and Alex has such an intense yet alternately serene beauty which you capture so elegantly. Great call on choosing LWH. There is a very distinctive tone through out in bodily expression with that puts forth a story to the imagination.
Fabulous really. What fun!!!

November 27, 2008 - 2:34 am

Jess (studio3z) - BEAUTIFUL!!! This location so rocks!! How did you guys get in there? DO you know someone?? Your daughter is just gorgeous. How fun to have a model at hand. 🙂 Love your processing on these.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

coney île {creative outings}

sometimes it’s so easy to find inspiration everywhere and then other times….nothing. we all go through it from time to time and some recharging is in order. my friend and fellow photographer, peghi, suggested that we choose a location and just go shoot what we see.  a kind of creative adventure for ourselves…a creative scavenger […]

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November 16, 2008 - 1:52 am

Pehgi - Je les aime autant de !
I love them! I love the composition, the treatment with the textrues, the writing and postage stamp! So cool.
‘ai eu autant d’amusement laisse le fait encore la prochaine fois vous choisissez
l’emplacement !

November 17, 2008 - 3:58 pm

Jess (studio3z) - beautiful!!! these are amazing, really. the first one is so haunting…i love it.

January 31, 2009 - 1:32 am

kim - I want to frame every one of these and put them in my house! I love them!